Developer, IT Admin, Communications Specialist, 
Adaptable Problem Solver

As a full-stack developer, I truly enjoy having the ability to shape and sculpt the nerves of the information systems we use every day.
I've always gravitated to electronics and technology throughout my life. From developing and experimenting with my home lab, to deploying and using radio and information systems in past careers, I am always keen to develop new skills and apply my experience and prior skills to find new solutions.

Javascript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, SQL
React, SASS, Express, Axios, jQuery, EJS, Rails, NodeJS
Databases and CMS:
PostgreSQL (PSQL), Git, GitLab, Github, Jenkins
Testing, CD/CI:
JEST, Storybook, Cypress, Mocha, Chai, Rspec, CircleCI, Jenkins
Other Skills:
Networking, Server, and Desktop Administration, Linux, Project Management

Lighthouse Labs
Web Development - Jan 2021

12-week boot camp, teaching JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, React JS, Database and Data Modeling, Automated Testing, and Computer Science Fundamentals
Red River College
Advanced Network Technology - May 2005

Network Administration (CCNP Level), Microsoft Server Administration, Unix, and Wireless Networks
Graduated with Dean's Honours

Recent Work



Book data manager, allowing users to add data about the books they've read and share with friends. Group Collaboration



Password generator and manager ideal for shared accounts. Built using NodeJS, Express, EJS, and CSS. Group Collaboration



Interview Scheduler (SPA) based in React, built using Test Driven Development.



Mini E-commerce app built using MVC design, integrates Stripe payments API. Build using EDD.

Landon Hotel


Coverted legacy HTML site to React and deploy on AWS



Single Page Application, Twitter Clone utilizing client side rendering.

Tiny App


URL Shortening App. Given a url the app will generate a shorter url and act as a relay. (Server-side rendering)

Get In Touch

If you are looking for talent for your company or organization please don't hesitate to contact me. I would enjoy discussing how I can contribute to your organization.